A Shop in the Dark

The store I worked at had a basement where people could go down and shop. There was the mens and kids departments, housewares, books and furniture. There was a lot of sketchy stuff that would go on down there, and this is one such story.

So it was around 10:00pm and after a long day, the manager and I were finally ready to head home. The lights were off in the basement and our jackets were on the counters. We were at the front of the store closing out registers when I herd a jingling, like metal was being rattled. I paid it little mind as I continued working, but then I herd it again. Starting to get a little perplexed, I brought it to the attention of the manager. It wasn't consistent though, so by the time I brought it up it had already stopped. However, a few minutes later it happened again, and this time we both noticed it. We both did a quick sweep of the top floor, and to no surprise there was no one upstairs.  As the noise continued, we both looked at each other, as we came to the realization that there was only one place the noise could be coming from: The Basement.

Keep in mind that the area the store was located in was really a mixed bag. It was a residential area, however a lot of homeless people were in the area as well, since the buses and trains that ran in the area made the area like a central hub. Most of the time there was no issue, but sometimes there would be people who'd be on some stuff and make problems. Not to mention that the area had several bars and a liquor store, which was conveniently located directly across the street from the store. Safe to say that things could get crazy, and more often then not they did.

"I'm not going down there." I quickly said, since I obviously didn't get paid enough to potentially put my life at risk. However, I wasn't completely soulless like I am now, and followed behind him a good 5 feet. As I walked by a pile of donations, I noticed a golf club sticking out, which I promptly grabbed just in case. Going down the stairs we noticed the sound getting louder and louder. We turned on the basement lights, which were all off and had been for around 30 minutes at the time, and prepared for the worst. But what we saw completely took us by suprise.

At 10:15, in the basement of a store that closes at 9, in almost complete darkness, despite numerous closing/closed announcements over an intercom, someone was lurking around....shopping for silverware. Thats right, the metal clanking that we herd upstairs was someone going through the housewares department looking for forks in almost complete darkness. I don't think I've said it enough, but it was almost COMPLETELY DARK. When I noticed that it was a 40 year old lady, I slowly lowered the golf club before she noticed, but still kept it at my side (what if she was on bath salts and was looking for a fork to eat my face with? It could of happened). We informed her that she had to go, so she looked around and said "I didn't know you were closed." before heading upstairs, to the front of the store, and out the doors. Looking at my manager, I said "I need a new job." before punching out and going home.


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