
Welcome to the Thrift Stories blog!

I have been working at various thrift stores for the past 8+ years. I have to say right up front that, for the most part, I’ve enjoyed my jobs for various companies and locations. Working at thrift stores can really afford you a unique atitude and work ethic that might not happen at other jobs. However, some of the jobs I’ve had have caused quite a few “issues”. That’s where the blog comes into play. From drug busts at neighboring stores to a active hand grenad, I’ve experienced quite a few things, and I’d like to share them with you.

The object of the blog isn’t to bad mouth anyone or any place. Rather, the blog exsists to share some crazy, true life stories from one of the craziest jobs I’ve ever had. Granted, sometimes I would have much rather been working a different job. But that, once again, is not the focus for this blog. My opinion on various inner workings of different thrift store companies will NEVER be brought up on this blog.

So sit back, grab some popcorn and perhaps a wine cooler and enjoy some of the crazy stories.h


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